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Cost-effective Block Home

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Five different sizes of Blocks

There are five different sizes of Block modules.  The effective lengths for the basic Blocks are 100, 200, 400 and 800 mm,

The effective height is always 200 mm and the thickness of a single wall is 100 mm. Dimensions for the corner Block are 200, 200 and 200 mm.


Structural example

The Block wall structure is usually built on a concrete slab between two U-profiles with dedicated threaded rods and concrete anchors.

Block structure animation

Pirkkala Blockhouse from inside
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Step inside to the model house

Blocks in production!
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Blocks in production

Biocomposite mix from recycled polypropylene and organic fibers from traceable origins.

Block solutions, easy and fun.
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Thanks to the innovative material, production efficiency and building speed, your house is built very cost-efficiently.

Block solutions, easy and fun!

The fast and easy way of building houses

Sustainable and innovative homes

Representing world-class innovation from Finland, our product, an eco-friendly house built of modular Blocks, was born in 2017 after a long series of development. In the design, we have been especially focusing on the ease and speed of building as well as adaption to different areas and the flexibility for the needs of the families.


The lightweight, but yet durable Blocks enable you to build a house in less than eight hours by two people. The Blocks are joined together using a rubber hammer. The erection of the house does not require electricity, so it can also be built in remote regions and crisis areas.


The Blocks have unique features: they are both mobile and flexible. You can easily dismantle and

rebuild the house in another location. You can expand or modify the building based on your needs.

Sustainability is the foundation of our business. The carbon footprint is close to zero: We use environmentally friendly and ecological biocomposite which is a mix of recycled polypropylene and a variety of locally available organic fibers from traceable origins.


Thanks to the material and the building technology the costs also stay low. Our patent-pending innovation offers solutions for different needs of the construction industry.


“We operate in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable way”

The future of building: A school in Lombok made from recycled plastic
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!mpact Report

What would you do with 15 tonnes of plastic waste?


Our innovation improves the living conditions in emerging markets

Our aim is to positively influence the socio-economic growth in our operational regions. Working together with local licensees our company supports the economic growth of the emerging markets and creates infrastructure and wellbeing.

We create new jobs in our operational area

We work together with the licensee to uphold the high standard of operations and demand full compliance of local regulations and laws. We require our partners to follow a code of conduct while working with different stakeholders. For example, our contracts insist on gender equality and equal payment for work.


We are committed to working in a way that supports human rights, labour rules and environmental conservation. We also enforce a strict anti-corruption policy in our work. We strive for sustainability in all aspects of our operations. Eco-friendly thinking is at the core of our business. Our innovative Blocks are produced from biocomposite, supporting sustainability in the most environmentally friendly way. As a binder we can use recycled PE and PP with traceable origins. 


The carbon footprint of our product is close to zero. Dependent on location the material used can be ecological biocomposite, which can contain up to 50% of organic fibers and 50% recycled plastics or alternatively only recycled plastics. This is based on the availability of excess raw materials on local level. Our product enables smart building: it is possible to increase or decrease the size of the house. If there is a change in the living situation, the house can be dismantled and rebuilt somewhere else. We practice sustainable procurement which supports our sustainability policy.

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